Communiqué (du 26/02/2016)

Le Club Hippique de Nice remercie les cavaliers qui lui ont fait confiance en engageant dans ses 4 concours de début de saison :

  • CSI Poneys (concours n°201606063) du 11 au 14 février 2016
  • CSI 1*, Ladies, Amb (concours n°201606011) du 11 au 14 février 2016
  • CDI 3* (concours n°201606014) du 18 au 21 février 2016
  • PROELITE (concours n°201606013) du 18 au 21 février 2016

Les résultats de ces 4 concours ont été transmis à FFE Compet qui les a traités. Le versement des gains pour ces 4 concours est actuellement bloqué par FFE Compet du fait d'un certain nombre de cavaliers dont les propriétaires déclarés des équidés n'ont pas renouvelé leurs licences fédérales.

FFE Compet tente de les joindre pour que les concernés fassent le nécessaire. Un délai d'une semaine leur est encore accordé. Au-delà les cavaliers des équidés concernés seront malheureusement disqualifiés.

Le Club Hippique de Nice regrette cette situation qui n'est pas de son fait et espère que les cavaliers concernés feront le nécessaire au plus vite afin de débloquer la situation !.

Le comité d'organisation
Alliance Cheval


Merci à tous !!!

Nous tenions à tous vous remercier pour votre participation à cette édition WINTER 2016 du Concours de Saut International* de Nice.

Personnels du Club Hippique de Nice, bénévoles secrétaires et personnels de piste, juges, officiels, compétiteurs, sponsors et partenaires de Club Hippique de Nice, services techniques de la Ville de Nice, journalistes, cavaliers du club et spectateurs, vous avez tous contribué par votre aide, votre présence et votre gentillesse, à faire de cette compétition internationale une réussite vivement appréciée par l’ensemble des officiels et compétiteurs du concours.

Jean-Christophe COMET
Gérant du Club Hippique de Nice
Directeur Général d'Alliance Cheval



This web space is dedicated to the forthcoming International Jumping Competition 1*, Ladies, Am.B, Young Horses & Pony Nice - Winter 2016 . It will attend to provide you the most complete information about this event which will take place February 11th to 14th 2016 within the Horse Riding Club of Nice .

You will find here:

  • Useful information such as location, opportunities for restaurants and accommodation, etc ...
  • The program of events and list of participants
  • The results of competitions
  • Informations on the partners of the competition

International 1 star level, Ladies, Young Horses, Am.B & Ponies

AFFICHEThe Horse Riding Club of Nice has been approved by the FEI (International Equestrian Federation) to conduct ,this year, two International Jumping Competitions : CSI* Winter 2016 (February 11th - 14th) & CSI* Summer 2016 (August 4th - 7th). Those international meetings concretise the ambition for the Equestrian Club of Nice to stand as a new venue for high level competition.

February 11th to 14th 2016, worldwide riders will challenge themselves during 3 days of intense competition. 27 jumping tests (10 CSI 1* tests, 3 CSI Ladies tests, 3 CSI 1* Young Horses tests, 5 CSI AmB tests, 6 CSI Pony tests ) are programmed for this event with obstacles from 1,05 to 1,40 meters height.

Participating countries: (participation requests received 09/02/2016)



About Jumping

Show jumping is to follow up an obstacle course without fault (course of 10 to 13 jumps). The tests are intended to show in the pony / horse its frankness, its power, his address, its quickness and its respect for the obstacle and for the competitor, the quality of his riding.

Show jumping is the discipline leader in France. It represents over 80% of the competitions, both in terms of competitors, as tests or competing commitments.

Show jumping has the advantage of being an easy to understand. The neophyte sees if the bar falls down or watching the clock easily notice if the rider goes faster. Even if the intricacies of trial are sometimes encountered, the verdict of the bars and chrono is accepted by all. (source FFE)

Scoring: The aim is always to jump the course in the designed sequence with no mistakes – a clear round. If any part of an obstacle is knocked down or if the horse refuses a jump, penalties are accumulated. The winner of the competition is the horse and rider combination that incurs the least number of penalties, completes the course in the fastest time or gains the highest number of points depending on the type of competition.
For most competitions two types of scoring table are used : Table A and Table C. The most frequently used scoring table is Table A. Each fault is penalised with a certain number of penalties. Each bar knocked down draws a sanction of 4 penalties, as does the first refusal (this is when the horse stops short in front of the jump or goes around it). The second baulking or refusal, as well as any fall, will eliminate the horse and rider.
The classification is established according to the penalties obtained. Often, several riders succeed in jumping a clear round. In this case, there are two possibilities: if the competition does not include a Jump-off, the competitor with the fastest time wins. If the competition does include a Jump-off, those tied for first place jump a new shorter round against the clock. The winner is the one with the fewest penalties accumulated over the reduced course, and in the event of a tied score, the time will be the deciding factor. (source FEI)


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